I am addicted to:
South Park (Seriously, have seen every single episode and dvr the new ones. I could quote most every episode.)
Soda- I know every health risk and I ignore them all, I love it. I can't give it up. Coke to be specific.
Being Naked. Any rare opportunity I get to walk around in the birthday suit I do. This is only effective when DH isn't around or he takes it as a cue. :eyebrows:
What are your guilty pleasures?
Chick-fil-A sweet tea
HGTV, Walking Dead, Keeping up with the Kardashians
Yoga pants
Crock sandals
Driving(with-out my kids)
Talking to my BFF in the middle of the night for 2 or 3 hours. It's our only uninterrupted time. At least once a month.
Staying up late on IPad- Pinterest black hole or FB 3hour cruise... After kids and hubby go to sleep.
My time 10:50pm-1:00am, my only quiet time.
Sadly I wish I could go back to the hospital and get some much needed R & R :-/
Walking Dead - I'm hooked. I make sure AD is in bed by 8 on Sun so she will be fast asleep by then.
Bare feet - shoes are the first thing off when I walk in the door and the last thing one out the door.
Hmm, guilty pleasure are supposed to be something you feel embarassed to admit so;
Real H.Wives Of AtlantA
Real H.wives of NJ
Real H. wives of OC
Real H.wives of Beverly Hills
Oh and I often have a glass of wine right before bed, unless of course I just got a newborn that doesn't sleep thru the night yet.
Most ppl in real life would not peg me as liking trash tv, or a regular consumer of wine...even tho it's only 1 glass. LOL. You know how conservative Christians can be with their judgmnent and all;) Oh and I am one before anyone gets offended. LOL
- Sweets. Sweets. More sweets. Chocolate. Wine. I don't think this even counts since I'm not ashamed in the slightest
- Books aimed at children aged 9-16. Some of them are just fantastic. But I can't admit without getting weird looks. I don't understand why. It's not like I'm admitting to adoring the Rainbow Magic Fairies or Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends. These books might be aimed at 9-16 year olds but many of them are so amazingly well written, fun, and escapist
- I play World of Warcraft. Not a lot because I'm busy but it's so fun!
- I bite the skin off my fingers (I know, i know, it's disgusting, but it's such a habit I don't even want to stop)
- Candy Crush on Facebook
- The Internet, adoption forums, forums in general
I have a trash TV problem. It has been solved by convincing DH to get rid of cable. I had to do it -- I couldn't keep it off during the day. We do have Netflix and Amazon Prime now instead, but it's not as tempting.
Chocolate. In its many forms. Especially now with the holidays coming, I'm stocking up at Trader Joe's on Caramallows and Cocoa Drizzled Popcorn (just polished off a whole bag yesterday before anyone knew I bought it....). DH took me on our first "non-kid" vacation for our anniversary and I bought a "local" chocolate bar to try out. He knew without having to ask that I didn't want to share ANY of it, and he is quietly eating the bag of peanut M&Ms that I found in my purse instead...
The Internet. Yes, everything on it. DH cannot believe I still surf in the evenings, b/c he thinks that surely by now I have "reached the end." So this forum, others like it, Pinterest, Facebook (including stalking bios), gardening stuff, cooking stuff, homemaking blogs, friends' blogs, email, ebooks..... I'll never be finished.
Freshly cut herbs for cooking and tea. Storebought cannot compete.
Chocolate and cheese
Hoarders (I am absolutely fascinated by how anyone can get that far out of control)
Sleeping late on the weekends (I feel really cheated if I have to get up any earlier than 9)
Late night TV, even during the work week, which is why I need to sleep late on weekends!
Playing on my computer
Diet Pepsi but Diet Coke will do when desperate
Online Shopping
Couponing-it's like a game to me
Anytime I am at home I am in pjs, yoga pants and t-shirt
Teen mom, hoarders, biggest looser, extreme weight loss, greys anatomy, extreme couponing and a new favorite extreme cheapskates.
My iPad
This forum
Parenthood, even though I know it's crap TV
Keeping "cozies" on all day (pjs, sweats, comfy clothes)
Law & Order reruns (original series only)
Baking for my own consumption lol
Lottery scratch-off tickets
This is fun!
Naps, reading, Chipotle multiple days in a row (or even multiple meals in the same day...), being alone in my house.
I don't like to wear my "out in public" bra at home, but I have to wear something, so changing into a sleep bra when I get home from work is a must. I also love leggings, yoga and PJ pants.
This is fun!
Naps, reading, Chipotle multiple days in a row (or even multiple meals in the same day...), being alone in my house.
I don't like to wear my "out in public" bra at home, but I have to wear something, so changing into a sleep bra when I get home from work is a must. I also love leggings, yoga and PJ pants.
When I tried Chipolte's chicken salad for the first time a few months ago, I was there at least 2x a week for a month!
Chocolate - Trader Joe's is opening here soon....I can't WAIT!
Coke Zero
No not all at once.
Pajama pants, preferably fleece.
Oh and my shows?
I think I see a pattern here.
Oh and Once Upon a Time and Walking Dead
When I tried Chipolte's chicken salad for the first time a few months ago, I was there at least 2x a week for a month!
I seriously spread my visits out between three different Chipotles because I don't want them to judge me! The one closest to my office even occasionally gives me my meal for free because I'm such a good customer. I would be mortified if they knew I was "cheating" on them!
I'm addicted to shopping the clearance end caps and racks at Target. I go 6-7 times a week and won't buy unless I see a "70" in the upper right corner… don't judge me!
Add me to the fan of the elastic waisted pants club. I am waiting for my husband to sit me down for an intervention. I love dressing up to go out but my pants are unbuttoned once we get in the car, shoes are off and bra is usually a goner (I also have mastered the bra-through-sleeve removal technique) before we get into the garage and I'm in some yoga pants and a VS sleep shirt before the kids have started whining for whatever it is they want at that moment (and y'all know that doesn't take more than a millisecond).
I love condiments so much I was nicknamed "condiment queen" when I was in the military. I like a little chicken with my mayonnaise and I'll occasionally eat a taco after I polish off a ridiculous amount of taco sauce. Don't even get me started on Chic-fil-a. Their polynesian sauce, um… yeah, I have a problem.
we don't have television but I totally stream online: Parenthood, Nashville, and Grey's Anatomy are my must-sees
I get into a book and won't go to sleep until I've finished. It's a problem. Always *real* books from the library -- I just can't do the whole e-book thing
I'm addicted to parenting blogs: Play at Home Mom, Teacher Tom, Ah-Ha Parenting and Parenting Beyond Punishment are my favorites
Sweets. I eat ice cream preeeeeeetty much every night after the kids are asleep.