Hi, I was born February 14, 1975 :female: in Langley B.C. I was adopted 4 days later and raised in the lower mainland. My Amom always called me her special gift from a very special angel. I would really like to make contact, after having two children myself I have finally have a more understanding of things. I am no longer of the mind of how could you but more of you deserve the biggest hug for such a brave, selfless act to give and trust in handing a baby to stangers and hope they will love the child you loved and nurtured for 9 months.
I am aware that I do have an older brother who is about a year and a bit older than myself but I really don't know to much information about him. Growing up an only child I always wanted to meet him. (Social worker had told my mom that I had a brother when I was adopted, she was always very open and very honest with me) I would really like to make contact with him and perhaps my birthfather too.