Hi! i am new here and i really don't know if i am in a right spot to post this topic, but if not, please feel free to remove or transfer it to the necessary thread. thanks! :)
First, you can call me Chib, i'm turning 26 this year. Lately, i've been addicted to weed. It all begun last year, my friend from LA visited me and have this bag of MJ with him. Now, i can't top my self puffing one at a time. I want to quit it, but i don't where to start. Whenever i try to ignore the craving feeling, i go nuts! I already visited some sites that helping people with the same situation as me. such as this site, [url=]Marijuana Addiction Help How to Stop Smoking Weed ֗ A 'Users' Guide to Marijuana Addiction, Withdrawal, and How to Stop Smoking Weed[/url] BUT NO LUCK AT ALL! can someone help/advice me what to do first? i am really stuck here in this addiction! :confused:
Hi there Chib!
Welcome aboard mates! Hope you enjoy your stay here; there are many wonderful stories here that tackle about adopting a child or foster parents. Feel free to browse, honestly, I cant stop reading from their stories, their victory against their struggles is like an inspiration for me.
About on your dilemma, I salute you for having the guts to admit to yourself that you are an addict. That is the first step toward your recovery. I have a friend who has the same situation like yours. HeҒs an alcoholic, smoker and a drug addict. Unlike you, hes having a hard time admitting to himself that heҒs an addict. But, one day he decided to end his issues about this drugs polluting his body. He got himself admitted into a [URL=""]substance abuse rehab[/URL] which truly help overcome his addictions. Anyway, wishing you all the best and luck, I am sending you a prayer and hoping that someday all your worries will vanish.