I live in Michigan, and I am 19, and am currently studying for a career in IT. I have recently done some research about adoption, and have been thinking about it lately, and I have put a lot of thought into it. I have come to the conclusion that I want to adopt. I am a single male. The reason I want to adopt is because I want to be a father figure to a child in foster care, I want to be able to give them a better life. I would prefer to adopt siblings so that way they wouldn't have to be separated. Is it ever to early too research adoption and learn about the process.
In some states you have to be 21 to foster, in others 18. I would start off by researching fostering. The required classes will give you a good understanding of the joys and challenges of parenting older children. Some other things to consider, are you financially stable? Do you work full time? College? Do you have experience with children? May start looking into being a mentor or big brother as a first step. Good luck to you.