Hello everyone,
I am happy to be visiting this forum.
My name is Alex Gilbert and I was born in Arkhangelsk, Russia in 1992. I was adopted and came to NZ in 1994 and have lived there ever since. Only last year I did a small search online to try find my Birth parents in Russia after all these years using social media.
I had no idea what my Birth Mother or Father ever looked like so this no doubt changed my life meeting them. I managed to trace my Birth Mother first and then my Birth Father. Please do watch the video :)
My Journey was followed in a NZ TV Documentary from my first day of my search. I hope you enjoy!
Thank You,
Welcome Alex,
That was Brilliant!
Are you intending to learn Russian? Pretty hard to meet when you don't share a language.
So happy for you...
Kind of jealous you also live in one of the most beautify countries, loved Auckland and the surrounding countryside.
Kind regards,
Hey Alex,
It seems like I would be hard to learn especially with a different alphabet. Is there any group around you like a Russian Orthodox church group where you could spend time just hearing the cadence and rhythm of the language?