I have hoped for years to adopt. We did foster care for 3 years (20 kids) and the last young boy accused me of many things, one was true. I appealed the abuse substantiation, as there was no broken skin (which is what they said) and no bruising, and the reason for the nail marks was me trying to make him sit in the bathtub, which was slick and dangerous. Anyway, the reason doesn't really matter, as I lost the appeal and now its a "red mark" on my record. I was told it doesn't automatically mean I can't adopt, but it would depend on the agency, and foster care/adoption is out of the question. So...nearly 2 years after the accusation, I am looking for a possible agency that would look past the "red mark" at the actual events and consider our home for a placement.
Does anyone know of an agency off-hand that would consider me after this? I am not a dangerous person, and my own son is doing well and longing for a sibling.