My babies and I are facing a tough week. I am the lucky foster mom to two babies , 2 months apart. By sweet boy is 11 months and has been with me since birth . My precious baby girl is 9 months and has been with me since she was two months old. Baby boy is number 6 for mom and despite a good start , bio mom as been absent 95 percent of the time and rarely communicates with anyone. She disappeas for 6 weeks at a time and then when court is close, she wants to play mommie. It is so cruel . He has no idea who she is. So court is in a week and she now wants to show up and torment him. Please don't tell me she has rights, I know. But we really need to think about a system that let's someone do this to a baby. He is going to meltdown. At this age, he knows who he knows. My baby girl was abandoned by her mother and left in a crack house. Bio mom and dad have been mia since before she came into care. 6 days before tpr for abandonment they find mom living on the streets on the other side of the state. So they offer transport to court and even allow 3 time felon fiance to come because she won't come without him. She still does not show. Her attorney calls her from court and she tells judge she broke up with fiancée, was kicked out of homeless shelter, meet a new guy and moved in with him, in 4 days time! So now we are going to offer visits and transportation for new felon boyfriend and her to come see baby girl? She is living 6 hours away. Admits to drug use and alcohol abuse. Has another child in another state she is about to lose. But still the baby who has no clue who she is must be subjected to a visit. She cries if I leave the room. I am all she knows. Sorry for the vent just feel sad that both my babies have to go thru this this week. Please pray for them. They are innocent victims of a system that allows people to subject them over and over again to the rights of people who do not put them first!
My 15 month old is going through the same thing right now. We had a visit last week that was awful. He kept throwing toys at her head to get her to leave him alone and she thought it was funny.....He kept running back to myself and his nurse (medically fragile) because we are who he knows! He's been hospitalized for a majority of the last 3 months off and on and mom has gone to see him twice for an hour each time. She was highly offended when she suddenly realized half way through the visit that he wasn't playing with her and really didn't know who she was. What do you want me to say to that?? He sees us daily all day long and hasn't seen you in 3 months....what did you expect??? My thoughts and prayers are with your little ones this week.