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Leaving a message for the spammers bombarding this site.
Seriously... has anyone ever bought something based on the ads you are flooding the forum with????
If not, why do you bother? Why is someone paying you to do this?
Do you think they'll continue to pay you is no one buys anything?
Doesn't it make sense to spam forums where you have a chance or reaching your target audience?
i mean really! You have a 90-95% female audience and you're shilling viagra rip offs?
Honey child, you need to go back to marketing school
To the admins: I am willing to volunteer my tome - both as a reviewer AND as a software engineer to help tackle this problem.
This site is losing members every day. I fear for it's future. Which makes me very sad :(
Spam or not, this sight isn't as easy to look through . I guess because every time I click the new post. It show spam or nothing. Then I look around and see people do post. But I never see it in new post. As for spam I just don't go on them. They may contain viruses. I would be intrigued if I seen wrinkle cream.
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