I really miss the way this forum was. I loved the community and the way everyone was here for each other. I read many many posts that helped me when I was new to reunion. When I felt comfortable enough to actually become a member and started a thread so many people were here for me and gave me such great advice and feedback. I just wanted to stop in and say I miss you all!
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I completely agree- these forums were once very, very active--but now they are a shell of what they were. IMO it was a case of , if it ain't broke, don't fix it.' These forums are much less friendly for those trying to navigate through them, for a while there was way more spam than responses from actual site members, administration was nowhere to be found, you can no longer IM another member unless you are 'friends'-----the list goes on. Unfortunately the new owners of the forums shot themselves in the foot IMO when they made all the changes. I for one relied on these forums as a safe place to vent, ask questions, ask for opinions, etc. It seems to me that a lot of the long time members who were frequent posters and contributed invaluable insight for the new FPs and APs coming in are long gone. Tragic, really when you think of all the people like myself who learned from and relied so much on this sight.
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Agreed. Its very sad to see so many people go. In the years has been a part of my life, its gone through busy and lass bust times. Losing BrandyH was tough.. Losing Crick, and so on. the site did rebound, with new voices in each of those cases
admittedly, this may be the lowest point. But, I'm not ready to give up yet.
When I first came on here the site was so easy to navigate. Then when everything changed I became frustrated and stopped visiting for a few weeks. Now i am having an easier time. I still read old threads and am finding a lot of help thru them but I miss seeing new threads and the old familiar names. I'm praying this site rebounds. You all have such wisdom and you have certainly helped this newbie immensely.
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I'm around and actually have a lot to say, have just been spending some time processing it all.
I'll get it up eventually though!
My summer has been crazy busy. (Or maybe just crazy!) These latest changes threw me for a loop. It will take me a while to figure out the changes. I too found this site easier to negotiate 10 years ago when I first found it!
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