this is the link to my go fund me i would love it if you could share this around as much as possible. I was adopted when i was 2 years old and my brother was made a ward of the state after we witnessed our mothers boy friend drown our sister. I now have ptsd but it has effected my brother more then anything and i need to be able to see him and be with him. My brother makes me feel whole and with out him i feel like i am missing a piece of my heart that i was not missing before. I miss my sister Angel Lea Hart i never got to really know her before she died but i loved her just as i know she loved us boys and will always watch over us.
I Was adopted into a loving family and My brother mike went through more hell then i did through foster care most of you on this board probably understand that... Mike ended up with bi polar disorder and multiple personality disorder i love mike and i would love to be able to see him again. thank you for taking the time to read this article.
Much love
Robert Kover