Hi guys - I have this belief and wonder what you all think: Regardless of where our children come from, my belief is that God exists and is very present in our lives. When adopting a child from a country (or even domestically) where God is not talked about, believed in, or even acknowledged, how confusing is it for that child to be immersed in a family with a strong connection to God? I believe that it doesn't matter how much people believe, act, disbelieve or ignore God ... He is eternal. He loves all of us regardless of how we feel about Him. And so when we bring our adopted children into the circle of faith, we can still help them keep much of their culture, but add the glory of knowing God into their lives. This means that some may have to let go of some lifelong beliefs - and that may be hard. But they also have to learn a new language and other things ... so it seems to me that bringing God into their lives will be the least difficult of all the changes they will be making. Thoughts?
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I think I understand what you are saying, but forgive and correct me if not..
I love Jesus and God a whole lot!
I think that, yes, as you bring your child into your family, they will grow accustomed to your lifestyle and beliefs. But introducing them to Jesus and God doesn't mean we forsake and ignore their birth culture. It doesn't mean we shame them for any previous or current beliefs. I think that we can offer Him to them continually, show our children His love, and model His grace...but over all it is their ultimate decision to decide what they think about Him. But I think that loving like Him is key. And as mamas and daddies, we get to love big like God does. Kind of..I don't know that any of us can love as big as Him ;)
I also want to touch on this: I know a lot of adoptees have trauma. There will be the question of "Why would God let me suffer if He is good?" And honestly, I hope that I will be able to give my children space to ask hard questions and really wrestle with Jesus. Because I believe that if they are truly asking Him and wrestling, they will find Him. Instead of me trying to force Him down their hearts - you know? :)
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Truth is Jesus Christ, GOD will give everyone a chance to choose Jesus, how else would we be judged. ive talked to many around the world, no one has ever told me they havent heard of Jesus. its not about letting go of what they are use to but giving them Truth (Jesus Christ). i remember wanting to tell foreigners about Jesus and my mom said well thats their beliefs and culture (that comes straight from the enemy, making people feel its normal or acceptable simply because its what you were brought up in). we all were brought up in sin, doesn't make it acceptable; or believing in santa, doesnt make it real. think of it this way, how hard was it for you to let go of santa once you were presented with truth, not hard at all. fact is simply fact. GOD bless:)