I created this account in hopes of finding any information about my birth family, to learn of any family health issues and possibly to reconnect with anyone of whom I may be blood related. A few years ago I created an account here but I cannot remember the login information. It is also under Robert Vialle. This is my new account and I have a Facebook account that I just created recently. Please view and share if you can help.My birth name was Robert Anthony Vialle. I was born at Abington Memorial Hospital in Abington, Pennsylvania, August 30th, 1966 @ 11:55 (am or pm unsure), weighing 9lb-2.5oz @ 21" long.From little that I know of my birth mother, it is believed she was about 19 years old. I do have copies of correspondences during 1966-1967 from Reverend John Magill D.D. Minister of the Abington Presbyterian Church of whom arranged my adoption initiating in 1966 with attorneys Fred Bremier Jr. and James G. Larche Jr.I do not know if the last name Vialle was my birth mother's or birth father's. I also do not know their first names. I do know that my biological mother and grandmother signed the adoption consent forms, as mentioned in the adoption attorney's letters to each other but do not have access to those due to Pennsylvania's closed record status.The last letter dated October 11, 1966 received by my adoptive family it was explained that my birth mother was in a bad car accident, possibly suffering brain damage and she was not expected to live.Through some of my own research, some relatives names from Montgomery county may include Esther, Lily, Irene, Norma, Norman, Thomas, Albert, Cathy and George. These may have been grandparents or great grandparents, but not much is known.I have many records pre and post adoption.If you have any information you think would be related to my quest, please don't hesitate to share. I've included a picture of me with my son, and also my kindergarten pic and baby pic.With love, thank you!
Last update on February 28, 10:55 am by Robert Vialle.
Welcome back! Please check the adoption registries,, and your state registry. Also you can join the Facebook group Adoptee Central. They are an active search group. Post all the information you have here, and see if they can help. Also you might want to take an Ancestry DNA test. I found my family in one day after getting my results by using cousin matches and what little info I had. Best of luck!