Birth parents have a lot of titles, ranging from "tummy mommy" to just using their first name. What do you think is appropriate for your kids to call their birth mom?
We have been calling our son's birth mom, mama Shanny. I asked her what she would like to be called before he was born and she said she didn't really care, it was whatever we are comfortable with. I think what is appropriate varies from situation to situation. Some people are really surprised that we have chosen to use the title of mama and asked why we don't call her "aunt" or something. I think calling her "aunt" would sting because she is more than his auntked her what she would like to be called before he was born and she said she didn't really care, it was whatever we are comfortable with. I think what is appropriate varies from situation to situation. What does your daughter's parents call you?
We just use first names because that's what they're comfortable with. If I could I might go by another name that's more maternal, but I understand that they don't want to cause confusion. I disagree with the term aunt too, I think that's what confusing and also doesn't give credit to the incredible sacrifice a birth mother makes.