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International adoptions are occasionally open from the start. As an example, the Marshall Islands reformed their adoption laws after a lot of unethical adoptions occurred. Today, American prospective parents are required to travel, meet the birth family, have relinquishment and adoption explained to the birth family in their language, and complete the adoption there. And under a U.S law passed in 2010, all prospective adoptive parents must have a Hague-accredited agency or Hague-approved attorney as primary provider, even if adopting from a non-Hague country and even if the foreign country allows independent adoption, to ensure thsy comply with U.S. and foreign adoption laws. The Compact of Free Association that used to be used to bring pregnant women to the U.S. to deliver and relinquish can no longer be used in this way.
In the past, birthparents, if known, were often allowed to attend the Vietnsmese Giving and Receiving Ceremony that transferred parental rights to an adoptive family. Some adoptive and birth families shared contact information at that time. I don't know whether the new adoption agreement betwren the U.S. and Vietnam, which currently allows only special needs adoptions, continues to support contsct between birth and adoptive parents.
There are some other examples , as well, but the fact is that most international adoptipns start out closed, but occasionally become open because of active searches by the adoptive parents and/or (less commonly) by the birth family. Korea now is much more open to search than it once was. China does not officially support search, but American parents of Chinese children are not being forbidden to search, and some have had success in finding birth families. Even in countries with strong opposition to open adoptions, like Russia, there have been successful searches. While many searches begin as the child approaches or attains adulthood, some are beginning when the child is younger.