22 rears ago I was raped and had a baby Lia as a result. Being the person I am I chose to give her up for adoption instead of abort. I never wanted kids so a few years later I got a sterilization. When people ask if I have kids I say I don't have kids. I forgot about Lia.
22 years later my cousins (who I had no contact with for many years) took a DNA test and Lia found them. My cousins gave Lia my name (despite being adamant I wanted nothing to do with her) which led to her finding me. She sent me about 30 messages asking very personal questions. She wanted to know about my life before giving birth. She came to my work and was pestering me. She wanted to know what medical conditions I have and I told her this none of her business it’s is private I don't share this information with anyone except my doctors. So she contacted my cousins who then contacted me this information. I yelled at them that I didn't want contact with them and why did they out me like that. If they want to contact Lia that’s fine as I have no control over who they talk to but please leave me out of it as I haven’t had contact with them in years. We don’t share medical information in our family. If a relative dies they put in their will if they want the family to find out why they died. My parents don't have contact with me or my cousins as my parents and I and my cousins don't get along. I got along fine with my parents but just haven't contacted them for a couple of years. Long before Lia contacted me my cousins asked my mother if she has a certain condition and my mom said she wasn’t going to answer and was mad at them for asking. The last time I spoke to Lia, she was crying saying I am selfish. I asked her if her real mother was nice. She said yes so I asked what did she want from me. I gave her up for a reason. Would she have rather grown up with a selfish mother? I am not her mother. I am the person who she came out of. She screamed I am mentally unstable so I told her to stop contacting someone who is mentally unstable. She cried, threw a glass bottle to the ground out of anger, and stormed off.
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