I was born on 6-9-1965. My birth mother Shirley Amy was in the Florence Crittendon Home in Newark, NJ which was also known as the William Ward Memorial Home. Does anyone have any information on this facility. I am trying to figure out who my birth father was and also wanted to know more about my mother's time at the home. I have seen posts where women there were referred to as "inmates." It is such a sad story.
Hi Robin I was born March 7 1961 at the same home. My birth mothers name was Joanne Armenti. any information you find out about the home where our birth mothers were would be greatly appreciated if you would share with me. Thank You
I was born on 6-9-1965. My birth mother Shirley Amy was in the Florence Crittendon Home in Newark, NJ which was also known as the William Ward Memorial Home. Does anyone have any information on this facility. I am trying to figure out who my birth father was and also wanted to know more about my mother's time at the home. I have seen posts where women there were referred to as "inmates." It is such a sad story.
Hi so me and my husband just found out that his mother had a baby girl in the 1960's. His mother lived in Parsippany, NJ and we have no idea where his mom was sent to for unwed mothers. We THINK she was sent somewhere in Newark NJ