Just looking for experiences so I don't lose hope too quick!
So I got a call yesterday morning for a newborn baby. The mom has a history and all children have been adopted out so they know this case is most likely going to end in adoption.
I am not sure when she was born, it could have been over the weekend, or just yesterday.
Anyways, I am just wondering how long until I would even find out we were the chosen family? They submitted out home study already. Last time we said yes to a placement (not infant), we didn't find out we were approved until the following week. This baby was born exposed to drugs, and I know they need to stay a few extra days to make sure all is well, but this is my first chance of getting a newborn and my hopes are insanely high, but also not very high because we haven't gotten the call back.
But a newborn baby, high chance of adoption, I know a ton of people would say yes as well.
I am a SAHM which I have read is a plus.
But I just want to know, how long do they generally stay in the hospital?
How long after you got a call for an infant did you find out you were approved to take them in?
I just read a lot of people and how they take in a lot of newborns from the hospital, so I am not sure if that is something not a lot of people are willing to do?
Thank you for any answers!