Hello everyone,
I was adopted in the early 70's, and was lucky enough to have a loving and supportive adoptive fmaily. They have always been willing to help me look for my biological fmaily if and when I wanted to, and a few months ago, I decided to start looking.
I went the route of having my DNA tested and sent away fr my original birth certificate. Neither was really helpful, but a geneticist was finally able to help me figure it all out.
The reason I had so few DNA matches is that my biological parents are either a father and daughter or full siblings ( brother and sister). As you can well imagine, this information was neither expected nor welcome. I've come to accept it, as I can't change it, but I'm trying to figure out what to do next. ( if you are interested, you can use the GED Match Genesis "are your parents related" utility, which looks for long ROH in an individuals DNA results.)
I did a lot of research online ( it's what I do for a living anyway) and was able to find my biological family. There were two possible addresses for my biological mother, so I prepared a letter, made to copies and sent it to both, registered mail. I know one was received and signed for, and as far as I can tell, it was the right person. I only said I was adopted and doing some genealogical research, looking for someone with her name.
I haven't heard anything back, but it's only been a few days.
I\m also "Facebook friends" with her son ( my half brother/nephew ...I gives me the wilies to write that), but he doesn't know who I am to him or why I added him. I'm not exactly sure what to do.
When it comes to looking for my biological father, that isn't going to happen. If it's my grandfather ( biological mother's father) he's dead, and if it's one of her brothers, they are all still living with wives and families. I can't imagine what it could be like for these innocent parties to have all this come out. This could really tear a family apart.
I'm wondering if there is anyone else out there ( and I know there is) who is experiencing a situation like this. If so, what has your experience been like? Do you have an "best practices" to share? I could really use them right about now.