I am probably moving to Georgia in another year or so. I live in Texas currently. How would I go about adopting a child from Texas while living in Georgia? What steps would I need to take? Are there any different requirements I should know about? I plan on adopting a child from ages 6 and up. If you have any info, please post here. Thanks in advance!
My wife and I are in our mid 30's and we are getting ready to start the adoption process after talking about it for two years. I don't think we are going to have any biological kids and really want to help kids that are already here. But every time I bring it up, I hear horror stories about kids that are crazy, that end up in jail at early ages, that try to kill the adoptive parents, ect.
First.... If you move to Georgia why not adopt out of Georgia? You can always do an ICPC but I just went through one and it is EXTREMELY difficult. Adopting kids from the system that are in your home state is much easier on everyone involved.
Second...Kids in the system are damaged, but isnt everyone? The kids in the system obviously need more of your heart, mind, and physical touch than most because they have been neglected and have had in some cases multiple losses. This doesnt make it impossible and sometimes makes a bond stronger. If you are looking for perfect kids i would say you most likely shouldnt be a parent in general, but if you are wanting a child to love on and teach about the the world and how to love then any way you have a child you will be a perfect parent. It shouldnt be about how your child is or how they come to you. It should be about your heart and how you want to parent. Whatever you do your child no matter what will be who they want to be, but you can alter their life by how much love you pour into them. (just my opinion) I have two children from adoption out of the system and one through my husbands previous marriage and i love all of them as if i gave birth to them and wouldnt change it for the world.
Note: the earlier you get the child out of the system the less potential losses they have endured and will make things easier, but that isnt always the case if you do not foster first. Fostering is the easiest way to limit your childs losses when adopting through the system.
Last update on May 15, 8:30 am by EL.
8 Tips on Adoption
1. Learn all you can. Read books and magazines. ...
2. Find professionals -- agencies, attorneys and other adoption experts -- in your area. ...
3. Do some soul searching. ...
4. Come up with a financing plan. ...
5. Research the law. ...
6. Complete a home study. ...
7. Carefully consider any child you might adopt. ...
8. Use post-adoption services.
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Last update on August 2, 7:11 am by Thomas Bronner.