We are in horror. We have 2 FK's under 2y/o. The BM is not in her right mind and has no intentions to complete services. She stated to our CW that the BD is actually not the dad of either of the kids, even though they have his last name. The BD doesn't know he's not the dad! These kids look nothing like BD, because he's NOT their BD! BM and BD are both set to do a years worth of services, but now that BM is out, it's just BD since they apparently have broken up since the kids removal. He appears on track to complete his services in the next 6-9 months.
BUT CPS won't move to get a DNA test because apparently he signed some certificate of paternity which makes him the rightful father in this case? This makes NO sense to us. If he has no DNA tie to these kids, I am confused why the court is unwilling to prove it with a simple DNA test so these kids can go into our loving home where they will have a chance at a normal life without substance abuse and neglect. This is a nightmare. The thought of these kids going back to that life makes me want to weep and vomit. These kids are so bonded to us and pulling them away into a neglectful home with one adult instead of two does not seem like it's in the best interest for the kids. What Judge in their right mind would make the ruling in favor of "reunification" to someone who isn't even the biological father?!
Has anyone ever dealt with something like this before? Should we hire an attorney so that we can get some actual truth and justice for these poor kids? I'm ready to fight for the truth, even if it means hiring an attorney to get to the bottom of this messy situation. Any advice would be helpful.