Brittany, I'm a birth mom living in Michigan. Michigan has several options available to you in searching. One is the Adoption Registry, I believe you can locate the form to submit on the website. There should be no fee for filing this directly with Lansing (state capital) Another option would be to request an Intermediary Search and that would be with the County that handled your adoption and there will be fees associated with this. (fees vary from county to county or agency to agency) You can also request non-identifying information on your birth family from the agency.
A couple of questions? What year were you placed for adoption, how old were you and do you know the circumstances of why you were placed. Were you and your siblings adopted together? Do you still have contact? If you and your siblings were placed due to neglect, there may be other records available to you....knowing the agency/department who facilitated the adoption will be helpful.
Best Wishes in your search.