Looooong story. We are about to go to our final trail for a sibling set we've been fostering for nearly a year. TPR on BM is pretty much iron-clad, but we expect she will relinquish the day before trial (as she has in her 3 prior CPS cases). She has no family so we are the choice to adopt by DFPS. Our life was finally going to be somewhat "normal". Then the plot twist; BM is now pregnant again (and still using).
We have plans to move out-of-state after adoption, pretty far from our current location.
Our CW doesn't know about our upcoming move, but she did imply that she'd like us to consider fostering this baby, not if, but WHEN it comes into care. We are kind of torn. We were looking forward to starting fresh and having some semblance of a family without the constant worry of being ripped apart. I don't want to say "no" to this baby and have our two kids resent us down the line. But I also want a second to breathe and have just maybe one moment to be a permanent family without a feeling of looming dread that BM might find someone new to manipulate and thrust this child back into an abusive environment. This last year has been bruuuuutal (I digress, but after this experience I'd strongly recommend against fostering before having any kids of your own. It makes the possibility of an unjust RU exponentially more devastating).
My other concern is the difficulty of fostering a child in another state. Will we have to fly back for visits or anything? Or can we just go on with our lives and wait until final trial and not have to bother with bi-weekly visits for baby? Has anyone had experience with this? I'd love to get some insight.