Seeking advice/direction or some insight on hiring an attorney to submit relevant material to the courts on my behalf regarding my concerns. I have been fostering a sibling set for the last 13 months (6yrs old and 6 months) we have 12 month review hearing next month. I have several concerns about the BIO Parents, the CSW, I have spoken in length with the CSW however she has been very sympathetic, extremely lenient and she isn't looking out for the best interest of the children. Its been 12 months and both BIO parents have NOT completed any of their case class courses or court requirements, both have demonstrated knowledge and understanding, both have (8) yr old reading and comprehension level, both took Psych assessment and failed. I have asked the CSW what is the plan for the children. she just informed me the department is going to continue to attempt to reunify the family, she indicated terminating due too developmental delays is very hard and often occurs when the parents do not have help, its taken the parents all this time to finally understand the depths of their case, they are NOW understanding the more the department explains to them (DV and Neglect case). CSW is hoping to set the BIO parents up with the proper services they will need to ensure their children are safe in their care but its appearing baby steps is what's working for both BIO parents. What I cannot seem to understand is and comprehend, BIO father hasn't started any of his classes? they were told both BIO parents cannot live together and they do? they cannot afford to raise both children, I'm concerned the CSW is being very sympathetic to the BIO parents and not looking out for the best interest of the children whom also have special concern will need tons of support, mind you BIO parents don't drive. Also, being im the one advocating for the 6 yr old, I requested a temporary transfer of education rights and CSW said not needed since both parents are compliant? again, they might be but they don't understand and comprehend this will be a process and they are not responsible enough at the time. Need some insight or advise.