B-Father seeking daughter born 1948/49, Kansas City, MO
Birthmother's name was Barbara Mikesell. Birthfather was in the U.S. Navy and was told that the child was a girl and she was given the name Cynthia. He does not know the exact date of birth. Birthgrandmother states that the birthplace was Kansas City. Probably during the latter part of 1948 or early 1949.
You can get a list of children born on a given day for $26.00, from the State of Missouri, Bureau of Vital Statistics in Jeff City, but if you don't know the date, that would be a problem. It didn't help me in finding out my possible real name because mine was a private adoption and my adoptive parents apparently simply filed the birth certificate with their last name.
If you know the mother's last name you might also look for her. If she has married, that's a problem but I also believe you might be able to find marriage record for her and learn her name now.
I'd love to know if this worked for you.