I am having trouble with my 7 year old daughter. Choosing clothes has become a battle. We pick out clothes for school the night before and she often changes her mind. I don't like that shirt, it feels funny, my sweater doesn't fit under my coat. It goes on and on. She asks for help, I make suggestions but she alway argues and disagrees with my whatever I suggest. She works herself into a tantrum. It is only with me. I am sure it is because of my schedule change. I need to be to work by 8:00 AM and she is used to me being home and dropping her off at school on my way to work. She gets up at 7:00 AM so I can help her with breakfast and get her dressed for school. Many mornings are the crying screaming over clothes. No reasoning or discussing the issues with her and it is very hard to stay calm and not loose patience. I have tried picking out the clothes the night before only to have he not want to wear them. Not sure how to break her of this behavior. I am sure she is doing this to keep me home longer in the morning. My husband takes her to school now and is capable of helping her make her lunch but again she only wants me.
What is a good way to deal with this situation without the fighting? I have tried sticking to what you pick out the night before is what you have to wear.
Suggestions appreciated.
If there is something that is too scratchy or she universally can't stand, maybe you could give the item away permanently to Goodwill and start with a bank of items she can tolerate? Have her help you clean out her closets, then hold her to the decisions she makes, that she already said these items were OK, so no backing out of the item now, it will be fine.
There also is a chance she may not be mature enough at this point to make these decisions, in which case you may want to spend a period of time deciding FOR her, and that's that. Even a kid that can deal with various options at other times may simply be too tired in the morning to be acting her full age or maturity level.
Who ever said that parenting was supposed to be easy has a screw loose!!!! I have a daughter that's almost 11, and I finally had to lay 2 sets of clothes out the night before school and just tell her that those are her choices,cut and dry-I have found that by not giving so many choices, it's easier for them!!!-and us!!! But don't worry just as you get through this phase, something else will come up!!! Girls are definitely more challenging to parent!!!!, they have hormones, and I go through everything from eye rolling to her just getting so hormonal sometimes, she could cry for no apparent reason whatsoever!!!! Just the other day, my huband and I were just shaking our heads, because she has a major attitude problem sometimes, but I've also learned that yelling gets no where, so I just calmly tell her to go to her room for a little bit, because I really need a break from her attitude!!!! I try to stay calm, but it's not always easy!!!!Good luck with your morning routine.
I have two girsl (bio, if it matters!). Seven and five. The seven year old use to love to argue over clothing. She is a dreamer and very creative (she keeps me laughing!). I on the other hand am very practical and black and white. Nothing is ever black and white with her! Laying the clothes out the night before was no use. The dreamer had changed her dream by morning. So, this is my deal.
In the morning, she can go to the room and get dressed. It has to be weather appropriate and match. If she does not get dressed by 8:00 am (I put a clock in her room), then I get to pick the clothes she wears. If she doesn't like them tough. She had her chance to choose. Now there is never a problem. She would rather choose than me.
Morning Rule #1. (With 3 kids I find it necessary.) When the clock says 8:30 (my 5 yr old even knows what it looks like) everyone in the house has to be dressed (teeth brushed, breakfast, book bag packed, bed made) The child who is not ready (makes me late for work) loses TV priviledges that night. I only had to enforce it twice. There were tears but it worked like a charm.
Rule #2 is that I do not do sign papers for school, give out lunch $$ or read about the project that is due in the mornings. I let their teachers know up front my policy, in case nothing comes back signed. The beginning of the school year always starts out shaky but within weeks they are working on being prepared the night before.
This may sound too stern. But I really don't want to go to college with them to make sure they don't dilly daddle to get to class every morning!! It is all in the training!!!
Good Luck! I am sure you will figure it out!
My oldest daughter was very difficult. (still is at 24 LOL) She would pull the same exact thing with her clothes. I was very clear and precise in what I did. I assigned certain clothes as "school" clothes. I made sure that everything matched with everything else. (That year it was blue, purple and pink!) We spent an entire weekend going through everything so she had approved all the clothes as "wearable". So she was given 15 minutes to choose her outfit and dress each morning. Or else I got to choose. And if she had a tantrum, she was put in the car in her pjs and could change with her seatbelt on! Or she would be dropped off in her pjs. It never got that far, but it came close! If she wanted to wear something "special" she had to ask 2 days in advance. If she changed her mind, that was ok, back to the "school clothes". Once they see you will NOT back down, it calms down. Some take longer than others, good luck! Love, Debi
I laughted when I read this because it reminded me of when our clothing issues started between my 16yr old and I. She would not take any of my suggestions and she would come up with her own styles. I pretty much let it go if it was basically appropriate. What I really found though was that if it wasn't what was appropriate with the fashions and for her in general it didn't last long and it changed. She really through the process has developed her own style and it has built her confidence in herself. She sets the style with her friends. All this I find great because again it helps build her self esteem and we don't have the wicked fights we use to. Granted we can't go clothes shopping together to ofter because I will point something out and I will get told no way,but even that is getting better. I will note this though that if there is something that I do not agree with I will not pay for it. She must earn money herself to purchase it. This has taught her how to work for things and to value what she has worked for. All to often I would buy clothes for her and she would not wear them or she would wear them once and that was it. Now she values what she has and takes care of them. I wish you luck. You have at least another 9 yrs or more.
I am certainly gald I found this thread tonight, I needed a good laugh, and we all say children are silly of us, the three I am parenting, my 11 year old I finally had to give up on him, latest style, ANYTHING baggy...pants have to hang past the rear end...shows off the cool boxers dont you know, hoody and an old pair of dirty socks...and he wears these for a week! am I a bad mom? I syc him out and buy three outfits EXACTLY the same, while he sleeps I throw a clean outfit on the floor and scoop up the dirty....I wonder why he never knows the diff, but I bet the girls at school do.
My eldest daughter is an old fashion tom boy, I swear if I didnt know any better she is color blind. did you know pink goes with orange? I actually have to hide her clothes from her, they are kept in my room, and put out first thing in the morning. Her hair...well as I said she is a tom boy, but demanded at an early age that I was never to cut her hair, she is now 8 and her hair is getting close to her behind. She looks as if she never brushed it, very thick beautiful hair, ponytails braids, we do them first thing in the morning only to come out before recess. Do I give up arguement, for now I will. My six year old daughter was born with fashion sense, she has been dressing herself since she was three, did I luck out there? I am assuming she wasnt interested in having the same arguement as I have with the older two, so decided she would just listen.
I thought I was the only one ready to cry in the morning!!! I really need to post on this thread!!! Sometimes I feel I've done something wrong, my 6 year old has been pulling this clothes thing the whole school year! She picks out her clothes the night before & they're not good enough in the morning. I think it is a power struggle. My 11 year old never did this. She does have an attitude, but it's that age thing. Not yet a teenager, but not a young child either. My 6 year old does not like socks, if I buy her new sneakers or clothes, she won't wear them. She wears practically the same dresses everyday. I can't wait until the school year is over next week. I'm not too sure what I will do next year when she goes a full day? Thanks for letting me share. Sue
I've read the posts about the children who appear to have the same personality traits. I'd like to suggest some investigation into their academic and intellectual abilties. If someone had helped my daughter and I earlier in her school career, we wouldn't have had so many of these battles. I suggest reading, "The Edison Trait" and go to [url][/url] as well for more info.