I found this on an internet dating site. Its awsome and such a morale booster. Enjoy!
1. You can feed the dog, take out the trash and pay your taxes, all while making the world's best brownies.
2. You can understand babbling.
3. You chase away bad dreams.
4. You don't have time to touch the remote.
5. You coddle and humor when necessary, especially on sick days.
6. Once you've had to change dirty diapers, dealing with your husband's sweaty socks is no sweat.
7. You know when to say "no."
8. You think it's cute when they run around naked.
9. You know which games are worth playing.
10. The compassion and consideration you've learned as a mom will help your marriage survive in a world where half of marriages end in divorce.
11. You're a skilled negotiator.
12. Dirt is not such a big deal anymore.
13. You can slay dragons and tackle the Boogie Man.
14. You pick your battles.
15. You tolerate cartoons on Saturday mornings.
16. You don't tolerate tantrums.
17. You wipe noses and dry tears.
18. You're used to your baby embarrassing you.
19. You know the value of toys.
20. You listen.
21. You're the only one who can soothe the pain.
22. You've learned how to share the last breakfast bar.
23. You respond to Knock-Knock jokes.
24. You've mastered the art of selflessness.
25. When they barf in the backseat, you don't gag.
26. You have experience with babysitting.
27. Patience is your middle name.
28. You understand your priorities.
29. Beer is a welcomed treat at the end of the day.
30. You can still listen and talk ח with your eyes closed.
31. You're good at giving baths.
32. You know life is full of messes.
33. You clean them up.
34. The "Honey Do" list is already done.
35. You're familiar with the expression "Time Out!"
36. You CAN be in two places at one time.
37. You're already raising at least one child, what's one more?