My husband and I are living in Italy (he is stationed at NSA Naples and I am a federal employee) and are seriously considering adopting a child. We have no idea where or how to begin this process. I'm wondering if it would be easier just to wait until we return to the States (which won't be until 2005)? Any suggestions or guidance would be much appreciated! Thank you.
Hello, We live in Gaeta, Italy and are in the midst of our third adoption while being overseas!!! We are now adopting a 1 year old little boy through the foster care system. We used a social worker that works at Camp Darby and is contracted to come to Naples once a month. She is very reasonable price-wise for doing homestudies, which is where you need to begin! Once that is done you can then proceed to make contact with social workers in the states. (I can connect you with some wonderful folks who have been very helpful and are instrumental in matching us with our new son!) Please e-mail me at
Take care, and don't loose heart.
Hello everyone!
We are stationed in Stuttgart, Germany and thinking about adopting as well. We thought it may be too difficult in having a homestudy done while we were here so made a decision to wait but he just extended here so we won't be going back till 2006. Does anyone know what we can do or how we can start the process in adopting a child. We are also trying to adopt from the States and I know there is a possibility of this. I know it's called Interstate (oh.. lord it slipped my mind) but I've read it's very possible to do this but have no idea who to talk to or where to even begin. Also does anyone know about the cost and how much we can expect to incur? I believe there is something available where the Miltary helps you pay for adoptions or am I wrong? Ugh.. I'm at a loss with all these questions. Anyone that has any ideas or suggestions do contact me at I would appreciate any help at all .. or new friends.
Melina Riley:confused: