I really need help. My partner and I have been together for 12 years. We have a wonderful, loving, stable, and very supportive relationship. We are fortunate that our families accept our relationship as they do their own. My mom and dad look at us as married as they are, as does his mother.
I am a mixture of Spanish and Cherokee and he is Puerto Rican. We would love to have a child that is either Latino, Latino mixed with other, White mixed with other, white, Native American mixed with other, Native American, bi-racial in whatever way. In other words...who cares about skin tone. Heart tone is what matters to us!
However, we want to have a child. Our only feasible option is adoption. However, living in the backwards state of Florida, we can't adopt here. IS there anyone that knows where we can go? Is there an attorney here that will help? Can I adopt in Vermont, Texas, or NY and bring the child back here?
Any help please let me know. You can email me at
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks a million!