We are just beginning the adoption process - still filling out the paperwork. If anyone has any good advice for Florida adoptions, I would love to hear it. Good luck to everyone.
My husband and I are in the process of deciding on an agency to use for our adoption; however, we've been told that our home study that was completed by DCF wouldn't work. Can you please tell me if your a foster/adoptive parent who is in the adoption process? Was your homestudy completed for foster/adoption through DCF? I would rather use our money for the actual adoption process rather than a home study.
Thanks and God bless.
We are in the process of an adoption now.
We are going through an agency and our homestudy is being done by a private social worker. She works with our agency and others through the state.
Our homestudy will be a breeze because I have a licensed daycare in our home and the majority of the background checks are complete!
We are matched with twins!!
I forgot to mention... You will STILL have to have a homestudy to adopt.
Why did you have one through DCF?
Are you foster care.?
If so, It might just, have to be renewed.
WOW..congrads on the twins match!! How excited..
The DCF homestudy... Alot depends on the agency you work with. Ssome will take it. Some want there own sw to do one. But almost all will give you a very discounted rate to "update" your homestudy. I have a really nice lady doing out update for $300. (our hs was 3yrs old from a previous adoption).
Thanks for your reply.
Our hs is for foster care, which was just updated this past week through DCF which we were granted our foster liscense for another year.
I guess we'll spend the money to have another one completed since the agency we would like to contract with says they can not use it, and we can not find an agency who will except our current hs.
I just find it hard to believe that we are capable of adopting through the state with a completed hs through DCF; however, the agencies say that we have to have another because DCF's won't count. Makes no since to us, especially after reading the state statues reference this confussion of ours.
I guess I am researching a little too much, because I'm finding myself a little more confused.
God bless!
Now I am really confused along with you. That makes absolutely no sense at all!
What agency's are telling you this?
As far as I know, a homestudy is a homestudy,Period!
Regardless of who the social worker is/was.
They all have to follow the same State requirements as far as background checks, income, your home. amount of children etc...
:confused: :confused:
Hi, I am in NC and have been referred to Jeanne Tate also. My husband and I are originally from Fl, so we still have family there. I was reading all the post and it was amazing for once there was only positive things said about Jeanne Tate. Could anyone tell me if she works with couples from out of state?
I have looked at so many different agenices in NC, but they are very critical. I think our best bet will be to go out of state. Any information would be great. Thanks Jennifer
I am prety sure Jeanne Tate works with couples from out of state. I have done many home studies for couples who have used her. The birthmother will be from Florida so you will have to stay in Florida a while after you get your child until ICPC work is done. Good Luck
About 10 different agengies that I have contected has told my husband and I the same thing.... a DCF hs study is different than the one that they would complete or use. As far as to why it is different, I haven't a clue. So of course, they are telling us that we need to complete another one. However, since doing my research, for the most part the questions on the web are the same questions that we have already answered. We've had the background checks, the hs, and basically all that is required to begin the adoption process.
My thoughts...... God will provide the way since he has laid it on our hearts to adopt. I also find it very distracting that money and a hs is an issue for us as well as those children who need homes.
God bless.
DCF hs...have you tried your local Children's home society. They work hand in hand with DCF..they do adoption from foster care and domestic infant adoption. Good luck!
Yes, we are matched with birthparents that are due with twin boys.
They will be delivered around the first part of September.
Although we have an Agency, I found them on my own. Through networking.
After being scammed emotionally by Renee Valenti in Michigan. I feel like we have been doubly blessed!
It takes alot of work and effort, but can be done with a bit of faith and trust.
There are actually 2 little angels agencies. Is it the one with Sharron or the bigger one??? Which agency are you with now and have you have luck with them? It is great you are willing to share your story to help other families prevent going through the same!
We are in the process of completing our homestudy and the agency we are using for the homestudy recommended Adoption Advocates in Largo, Fl. Has anyone used them and if so how are they. We are out of state, so any insight would be great. Thanks Jennifer
Thank you for your kind words. The agency I am referring to is the smaller one owned by Shannon in Sebring Florida.
We are now using:
Advocates for Children and Families
16831 Northeast Sixth Avenue
North Miami Beach, Florida 33162-2408
Telephone: (305) 653-2474 / FAX: (305) 653-2746
Toll Free: 800-348-0467
They are two female attorneys that been through the adoption process and have been in the business a long time and their reputation is stellar.