Hello. My birth name is Myung Ok Yoon. I was born on October 30, 1985 in Pusan, S. Korea. I was born with a birth defect called Cleft Lip and Palate, my adoptive parents tell me that is the reason why I was given up.
I was adopted on February 27, 1986 by american caucasian parents. I've had the very best family that i could ever imaginebut i just would really like to contact my birth mother. I would like to see her traits that i possess and maybe even some of her habits that i might possess.
My birth name is Bo Na Han. My twin sister and I were adopted from S. Korea in 1985. We were born on May 19, 1983. Our birth mother is Myung Ok Han and our birth father is Jae Kwang Yoon.
I thought it was interesting that your name was similar to my birth mother's and the last name was Sook, which was my birth fathers.
We were put up for adoption in 1985 because our birth mother could no longer care for us. We were born in Pusan and adopted from Seoul also.
We also want so much to find our birth parents, especially our mother. Have you had any luck in finding any information.
Susana (Bo Na Han)
This is Bo Na Han again. I made a mistake I believe in my reply. Our birth father's ast name was "Yoon".
So awesome they kept you and your twin sister together. I was also born In Pusan, Korea Jan. 30th, 1984 and Adopted from Seoul. Just received information about my birth. My mothers name was Jeong Hee Lee. My korean name was Sook Hee Lee.
Alyson (PA)
Also can you guide me in my search for my birth Mother? my birth mother Jeong Hee Lee was 26 when she had me and was a single mom. Wanted a better life for me and then was put into the Eastern Child Welfare Society.