If you feel that your child suffers from attachment problems, it is imperitive that you seek out support and the proper treatment from therapists who are trained to treat this specific disorder.
Intense control battles, very bossy and argumentative; defiance and anger
ՕResists affection on parental terms
Lack of eye contact, especially with parents - will look into your eyes when lying
ՕManipulative - superficially charming and engaging
Indiscriminately affectionate with strangers
ՕPoor peer relationships
ՕLies about the obvious
Lack of conscience - shows no remorse
ՕDestructive to property, self and/or others
Lack of impulse control
Learning lags/delays
ՕSpeech and language problems
Incessant chatter and/or questions
ՕInappropriately demanding and/or clingy
Food issues - hordes, gorges, refuses to eat, eats strange things, hides food
ՕFascinated with fire, blood, gore, weapons, evil
Very concerned about tiny hurts but brushes off big hurts
ՕParents appear hostile and angry
The child was neglected and/or physically abused in the first three years of life
Nancy, thanks for posting symptoms. Any idea HOW to find a therapist with speciality in AttDis in ADULT adoptee? My med plan psychs treat my son for the symptoms, which are the "common" ones (for AD patients) of anxiety and depression. But who helps the root causes, helps them learn adaptive behaviors, helps them find reasons to hope for a better life? I've run out of ideas! worriedparent
RAD in an adult is borderline personality disorder. An adult has to want to be treated and most adults with this disorder will not participate in therapy. However, if your son truly wants to get better, find a therapist that fully understands personality disorder.
Is what they call "puddling" part of this? Our Fd matches maybe half of these, and people her keep referring me to Attatchment disorders. She seriously has peeing issues that are unbelievable.