Hi I'm an adoptee who was born cristian or catholic or something, (blonde hair, blue eyes and a very goy look!!). My aparents brought me home just under 2 weeks of age and had me converted to the jewish faith they practiced. I was placed into the 'mikvah' (not sure of spelling), and I went to hebrew school and attended synagogue with them (orthodox), went to jewish summer camps and joined jewish youth groups.
I do not practice the religion in my own home as an adult, though I do have a lot of respect for those who do. My choice has nothing to do with my adoption or my 'religion at birth', nor does it have to do with my aparents who have been very loving. It is soley a personal choice I have made as all children do when they grow up and leave their family home.
To all you jewish aprents, the most important thing is to love your baby, give the the support and kindness they need to grow up into beautiful people.
If you would like your adopted child to be jewish I believe the infant must go througha conversion ritual with a Rabbi.
Good luck to you all:)