I am currently a foster mom who is planning to adopt 2 girls. DFS is in the process of terminating parental rights and we are in the final weeks of vistation for their biological mom. In light of the impending termination and "final visit" (this is not an open adoption). I would like to get a mother's ring with the girl's names and birthstones and give it to the mom this mother's day. My husband thinks it's weird.
I am looking for opinions.....I see this woman every week and would like her to have some token of her children.
I have 3 other children and I am having a Mothers Ring made and it will have my daughters stone placed in it...I really don't know what kind of relationship you have with her but I know as a Birth Mother I would except it.
Thank you
Bless you for keeping the birthmother in mind, and hopefully in those children's hearts. I know it must be hard in many ways. But, you are doing the best for those children. Be the best mother you can be to them, but remember, they have other ties. It has nothing to do with your capacity to parent. It has more to do with your openness to acknowledge their past.
All the best,
Karen a birthmother "lite" (my daughter was taken by my exhusband out of state)