Can somebody please help me, i want a little girl very badly. I have two boys already.... I am concerned about the background checks, my husband and I just moved here to California , he is a resident. We are in the military, we just came from Hawaii, while we were in hawaii their was a incident that happened. my husband and I got into a disagreement, I went over to a so called friends house and this girl called the police and my husband was arrested, this girl was for some reason trying to break up my marriage and caused alot of problems for my husband and I. No charges were ever filled but he did get finger printed. I called the MP staion and they said that there might be a state case file but he is not on any national fingerprinting database. I am very concerned that this incident is going to affect us adopting. My husband and I have been married for 7 years, have 2 beautiful boys. how is this going to affect our foster adoption chances. My husband has a security clearance so I know he does not have anything that would suspend his clearance. What do I do????? I have a very clean recod, and he has for the most part a clean one except for this minor incident, a board over seen his case. The board consisted of social services, chaplains, and many other members, all felt the situation was not a call for charges and left the decision up to his chain of command. Everything was dropped and no charges filed. my concern is sense he was taken to the police station and finger printed what happens????? please help me!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, It is a good idea to get all the paperwork and documentation about the incident ahead of time and submit a copy of it along with your fingerprint clearance request. If and when it does come up, the information needed for a report will already be there. The report will come back in a timely manner and then the agency and social worker will decide if they can work with your case. Mainly they just have to mention the incident and say it was all resolved and dropped. We had a detain and question incident come up and it delayed our fingerprint clearance for 3 months. When we finally got the information for the clearance, it was fine and we were able to finish the homestudy and get a placement.
i agree with dianna, get all your paperwork, they will address it, make sure your honest about it.
a friend of us had a legal issue come up on his cory, he was freaking out, it was more serious then the issue you presented also, and he was found not guilty but they made him see a psych for 4 sessions, he did it with no problems, the psych said he was fine to adopt.
the issue never came up date: he is a father.
THANK YOU so much for the advice. I just wanted everyone to know , my husband and I checked on everything and this event was never even noted. It was a incident that happened that was never even a concern so we can relax now, looks like things are going to happen..yeah I am so pleased. thankyou
I am not real sure, I suppose you can contact the state and ask about getting your records..... I know you have to have background checks for many things, leading girl scouts and boy scouts, working in day cares, some jobs require them----
When we started our homestudy we actually did our criminal history before we turned in our homestudy paperwork.... You might call the DHS office and ask if you could start your file and have your history run before hand..... I don't know of any way to get your history in your hands personally, The only ways I know are for some agency to get them.... I have never actually seen my history.