My husband and I have tried domestic adoption and adoption thru foster care, but we are becoming extremely frustrated, as we have had 7 failed adoption in the past 3 years! Therefore, we are considering international adoption. We desperately want to adopt, but we are finding the fees are outrageous! We live in Illinois, however my husband works in Missouri (and obviously pays taxes in Missouri -which in addition to the fed tax credit of $10k, offers a state tax credit for special need adoptions of another $10k - int'l adoption is considered special needs).
My question is:
If we live in Illinois (just over the river from St. Louis), but my husband works & pays taxes to MO, are we eligible for the MO special needs adoption tax credit?
I have tried calling the MO Dept. of Revenue and well known MO adoption agencies as well as researching the subject on the internet, but have not been able to find any answers :(
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated, as this tax credit would actually make it possible for us to adopt!
On the Missouri Department of Revenue website, it says:
Any person residing in this state that legally adopts a special needs child is eligible to receive a tax credit up to $10,000 for nonrecurring adoption expenses for each child.
It sounds to me as though you have to reside in Missouri to take advantage of the credit.