Female adoptee born 1/1966 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Providence RI. Seeking information on birthfamily and medical history. BMother stayed at Sophia Little Home. She was 17, dark hair and blue eyes. Maternal grandfather was in the military. Bfather was said to be 19, in the military. Please advise if you have any information. Thanks! Julie
I was in Sophia Little in November of 1966. I have the name of the Housemother at that time if you think it might help find info. let me know.
Originally posted by jewellee33
Female adoptee born 1/1966 in St. Joseph's Hospital, Providence RI. Seeking information on birthfamily and medical history. BMother stayed at Sophia Little Home. She was 17, dark hair and blue eyes. Maternal grandfather was in the military. Bfather was said to be 19, in the military. Please advise if you have any information. Thanks! Julie
hi im searching for birthdaughter born on 1 4 1966 but in margarets hospital just wondering if you had your state of bith right thank you and god bless on your search june