Hello Friends,
You are not going to believe this. As you know I set up a yahoo account ( to collect subscribers and contributions to "Kasey's Korner." The response has been overwhelming. This morning I woke up to check my email and Yahoo deactivated my account with no warning or explanation! I HAVE LOST ALL OF MY DATA!!I lost all your email addresses and contributions. So I am starting over. Please email me again if you want to be on the mailing list:
The debut June 2003 edition is almost ready to go. It is four pages but I can see that four pages simply won't be enough for future issues. Again, here are some suggestions of what I am looking for:
1) Questions for the "Ask Kasey" column
2) Search and/or reunion stories
3) Book reviews of adoption-related books you have read
4) Upcoming adoption-related events
5) Search information for "Search Center"
6) Adoption-related announcements (upcoming books, support groups, plays, meetings, events, etc.)
Please spread the word about this change.
Kasey Hamner, M.S., adoptee, psychologist, and
author of "Whose Child?" and "Adoption Forum"