My birth mother said her name was Betty Stevens, she was from Upstate New York, 18 years old and unmarred in January 1960 when I was born at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. If her date of birth was stated correctly, her birth year would be 1942-1943 My parents developed a brief relationship with her and my dad said she may have been younger. She said her parents were ashamed of the pregnancy and sent her to DC to live in a home for unwed mothers until I was born. My adoption was private and handled by my uncle who was an attorney though the Montgomery County, Maryland District Court. My birthmother also used my motherŒs doctor for delivery. My parents offered to help her financially afterward, and she declined. She indicated she didnt want anything from them, but a good home for her baby. Birthfather was stated as "unknown". I received much more than a good home. IҒve had a wonderful life and am very happy, but I have a hole in my heart that Id like to heal. I harbor no ill will and am mostly curious about this lady, my birth mother and possible siblings...