Aylin from European Union

from European Union
- Age 10
- Gender Female
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number Aylin-EU
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Aylin was born prematurely in October 2015, weighing about 1100g. She has been diagnosed with congenital hydrocephalus (for which a ventriculoperitoneal shunt was placed and subsequently revised), epilepsy, and significantly delayed development. Aylin has experienced multiple placements in different institutions, along with numerous hospitalizations, as well as living with her family of origin for about 18 months.
Aylin’s mobility is very limited and while she can roll from back to belly, she cannot yet sit, stand, or walk. Her fine motor skills are poor. Aylin babbles and responds to her name but is unable to carry out any instructions. She requires assistance with all tasks of daily living and functions at the level of an infant.
Aylin interacts exclusively with adults. She smiles and shows happiness when receiving individual attention and can quickly establish an emotional connection. Aylin loves listening to music and her favorite toys are balloons, balls, and cubes.