BELLE from European Union

from European Union
- Age 17
- Gender Female
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number BELLE-EU
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Siblings Bravo, Belle, and Brianne were born in May 2006, August 2008, and October 2012, respectively. All three children are healthy and typically developing. They live in two foster families in the same village and maintain active contact with one another.
Update December 2022: Bravo, Belle and Brianne continue to be in good health. They attend school regularly. Bravo is studying at a high school that specializes in Culinary Arts, but his favorite subjects are geography and math. He would like to be a police officer when he grows up. Belle is at a school with focus on Forestry and enjoys studying there. Her favorite subject is botany. Brianne is in fourth grade and loves math and music.
Belle and especially Bravo are more emotionally reserved and selective with peer relationships as well as with communicating emotions and information. They like to spend time with friends, walking around the community and watching TV. Bravo intentionally steers clear of peers who use drugs and alcohol and is doing his best to avoid some of the pitfalls of teenagerhood. Brianne plays chase, cards and other games with her friends.
Belle and Brianne look up to Bravo and rely on his leadership. While the girls do not, Bravo maintains contact with their mother and two additional siblings who are residing in a group home. All three children are open to being adopted, but only together, and Bravo would like to be permitted to continue to have a relationship with members of his family of origin. These children have persevered through a series of difficult changes, including Bravo being placed into a new foster home just weeks ago due to no fault of his own. Bravo, Belle and Brianne would thrive with the love, stability and support a permanent family could offer them.
2021: Our in-country representative visited these siblings and found them to be open, talkative, well-behaved, and positive children. BRAVO is a kind and respectful teen who does well in school and takes on responsibilities in the foster family that consists of just himself and an elderly foster mother. He dreams of getting his driver’s license, buying a car, and eventually even owning his own restaurant. BELLE is a smart and charming teen who likes to play outside, watch soap operas, listen to music, and spend time on her phone. She needs reminders to fulfill her household chores and, as a young teen, is beginning to push the boundaries with her foster parents. Belle can be bossy with her younger sister, too. She dreams of growing out her hair and has a sweet tooth. BRIANNE is a bright and diligent child with excellent performance in school. She likes to ride her bike, swing, watch cartoons, read, and help with baking. When she grows up, she wants to be a doctor.
After the death of their father in 2015, the family’s situation deteriorated, and the children were placed into state care at the request of their mother. The children initially experienced several different placements but have been in their current foster families for over four years. They continue to be attached to one another and Bravo feels a heavy responsibility for his sisters. All three siblings desire to be adopted and would thrive in a forever family.