COLSON from European Union

from European Union
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number COLSON
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Colson was born in January 2015 with congenital syphilis to a mother with cognitive disabilities. While physically healthy, Colson has a diagnosis of mild cognitive disabilities and autistic behaviors. He has been living in a foster home since 2017.
Colson is a positive, introverted boy whose receptive language is developed. Although nonverbal, he communicates through gestures and sounds. He is not aggressive and does not like to be involved in conflicts. Colson prefers contact and play with adults rather than peers and has good emotional relationships within his foster family. He sleeps well, eats independently, and is potty-trained although he still needs some assistance with personal hygiene.
Colson likes playing with balls, going up and down stairs, listening to music, and inset puzzles. He works with a multi-disciplinary team of specialists to aid his continued development. At this time Colson does not have an understanding of adoption but waits for a loving family that can provide the interventions and care he will require long-term.