CORMAC from European Union

from European Union
- Age 14
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number CORMAC-EU
- My Siblings CONSTANZA
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Siblings Constanza and Cormac were born in February 2009 and March 2011, respectively. Both children are physically healthy and have been living the same dedicated foster family since March 2015.
Constanza is a quiet, shy teen, but if someone else makes the first step, it’s easy to interact with her. She makes simple conversations and is able to express her emotions. Constanza is very attached to her foster mother and uses her as a positive role model. She exhibits good manners as shown to her by the foster mom and gladly helps with daily tasks in the household. Constanza has a group of friends with whom she enjoys play dates. She works under an Individualized Education Plan at school and, despite her mild cognitive disability, rises to any academic challenges presented to her. She likes being praised for her work and efforts.
Cormac is a joyful boy, always ready to play or joke and to be the center of attention. He is a motivated student who is taught under the general education curriculum, showing evident academic progress. Cormac participates in an after-school program that offers various workshops and homework help. He’s well accepted among peers and liked by his teachers. Cormac is interested in music and attends additional music classes. He is helpful around the foster home and has well-developed life-skills. Cormac is very protective of Constanza and assists her as necessary.
Both children understand the concept of international adoption and have agreed to be adopted overseas should a suitable family be found. Their foster parents are highly experienced and ready to prepare them for the transition to a permanent family. Constanza and Cormac are very close and must be adopted together.