DECLAN from European Union

from European Union
- Age 12
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number DECLAN-EU
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Declan was born in May 2013 and lived with his family of origin until May 2020. Since then, he has resided in state care. Declan has autism and shows delays in all spheres of development.
Physically healthy, Declan actively moves around and is oriented in familiar environments. He does not interact with peers, does not participate in group activities, and appears to prefer solitude. Declan is nonverbal and it is a struggle to make contact with him. However, he communicates by pointing, facial expressions and sounds. He exhibits aggression toward himself during angry outbursts as well as monotonous, repetitive movements.
Declan can finger feed and but is not potty trained yet. He needs assistance with all tasks of daily living. He attends elementary school under an Individualized Education Program and receives resource support.
Declan enjoys working with playdough and clay and watching educational video games about animals.