HELAINE from European Union

from European Union
- Age 6
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number HELAINE-EU
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Helaine was born at low birthweight in February 2019. She has been diagnosed with Cornelia de Lange syndrome, including congenital heart defect, optic nerve atrophy, and hand differences. Her development is significantly delayed.
Helaine has good head control and can roll in both directions, but at this time she is unable to crawl or sit unassisted. She appears to have decreased strength in her lower and upper limbs and does not reach for or hold toys. Helaine responds to auditory and visual stimuli and may examine objects placed close to her face. She sleeps well and is fed by bottle. A passive and calm child, Helaine is nonverbal and does not engage in interactions with others.