


Age: 39

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Basic Info

Age: 39

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational


Age: 37

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Denomination: Non-Denominational

Work & Education

Education: Law School (JD)

Profession: Attorney


Education: Undergraduate (BA)

Profession: Government Relations

Post-Adoption Relationship

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement


Country: USA

State: Texas

Parent Relationship: Married

Parent Neighborhood: Urban

Parent Years Together: 5 to 10 years

Parent Residency: House

Parent Pets: Labradoodle dog named Fancy

Children At Home: No children

Sexual Orientation: Same-sex parents

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Multiple Children: All

Race/Ethnicity: All

Special Needs: Open to discussion

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption homestudy including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


Graham and Charles
Christmas cheer with Charles' family.
Christmas cheer with Charles' family.
Proud Uncles
Proud Uncles


Graham & Charles

our strength and courage are truly admirable, and though we have yet to meet, please know we are sending you support from afar.

During this difficult time, we want to extend our warmest embrace and support as you navigate through this challenging decision. Your strength and courage are truly admirable, and though we have yet to meet, please know we are sending you support from afar.

We're thrilled at the opportunity to share a glimpse into our lives with you. Family and friends hold a special place in our hearts, and nurturing those connections is our greatest joy. You'll often find us outdoors, skiing, playing tennis, or swimming in our pool. We enjoy DIY projects on our home, and we cherish moments together like seeing live music. We adore cuddling up with our beloved dog, Fancy. More than anything, we hope you'll see through these pages the deep love and mutual respect that are the bedrock of our relationship....

During this difficult time, we want to extend our warmest embrace and support as you navigate through this challenging decision. Your strength and courage are truly admirable, and though we have yet to meet, please know we are sending you support from afar.

We're thrilled at the opportunity to share a glimpse into our lives with you. Family and friends hold a special place in our hearts, and nurturing those connections is our greatest joy. You'll often find us outdoors, skiing, playing tennis, or swimming in our pool. We enjoy DIY projects on our home, and we cherish moments together like seeing live music. We adore cuddling up with our beloved dog, Fancy. More than anything, we hope you'll see through these pages the deep love and mutual respect that are the bedrock of our relationship.

We hope to have the chance to learn more about you and your desires for your child so we can work together to create a wonderful life for them filled with never-ending love, opportunity, and support. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking the time to get to know us.
With Love, Graham & Charles

Our Love...

As we approach a decade of marriage, our excitement to grow our family intensifies.

Wedding Day
We first crossed paths the old fashioned way - at a party! We both felt an instant connection. Our friends, sensing something special, secretly played matchmakers, and we're forever grateful they did. As we grew closer, our shared interests and experiences, from attending college football games to exploring live music and new restaurants, deepened our bond.

Our wedding day almost ten years ago was magical. Set in the garden of an old ambassador’s residence in DC, the day was perfect—filled with love, laughter, and the presence of our closest family and friends. Having married at a time when marriage equality was not widespread, we cherish our union deeply and consider ourselves not just partners but a true unit.

As we approach a decade of marriage, our excitement to grow our family intensifies. We can't wait to introduce a child to the joys of skiing, building sand castles, and cooking. We look forward to seeing the world anew through their eyes and sharing in a child’s discoveries. More than anything, we're eager to nurture a child in a home filled with love and to create unforgettable memories as a family.
What We Value

Our commitment to a child will always include providing a top-notch education tailored to their unique needs, whether in a public or private setting, ensuring they remain relatable and grounded.

Holidays with us
Charles's aunt once famously said, “What’s most important in life is that you’re nice to people and keep a clean yard.” Embracing this philosophy, we are dedicated to imparting kindness, humility, and an open-minded spirit to a child. Our commitment to a child will always include providing a top-notch education tailored to their unique needs, whether in a public or private setting, ensuring they remain relatable and grounded. We’ll encourage a child to engage in extracurricular activities like sports and the arts, and we will help them discover their passions so they excel in areas they love. Most importantly, we understand the importance of supporting a child to feel confident, strong, and comfortable in their own skin because we believe everyone is uniquely perfect! We will always strive to empower a child to pursue their dreams, and they will always know we have their backs, supporting and loving them endlessly.
We Promise...

From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU for considering us as parents.

We know you will make a wonderful decision for you and your child, and regardless of your decision, please know we will be holding you in our hearts.
to always protect your child.
make your child know
they are loved unconditionally!
remind your child they are
incredible, can do anything, and that we support them in all they do.
always know that you love them
and they will know their story.
incredibly important to us and
your child. We will be grateful
for you every single day!
From the bottom of our hearts,
THANK YOU for considering us as parents. We know you will make a wonderful decision for you and your child, and regardless of your decision, please know we will be holding you in our hearts.

Graham & Charles
Post-Adoption Relationship

Semi Open (open to an in-person visit before adoption placement, phone, email, sharing pic/letters after placement

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.


All the Fun to Come...

We thrive on joy and togetherness in our family, and each day is filled with laughter and discovery. As enthusiasts of our hobbies, we are eager to share these passions with a child. We can already envision a little one swinging a tennis racket with Charles or catching their first fish with Graham on trips to the mountains. Cooking will become a delightful lesson as we pass down Charles' cherished family recipes like “tutellini” pasta. Our adventures throughout the year will surely involve skiing and sun-filled trips to the beach. We look forward to a child joining us on family visits to Shreveport and Memphis. Every holiday and birthday will be a grand celebration in our home, and we are especially excited to dress up in costumes for Halloween. Sundays will always be a special day in our home with delicious brunches and cozy cuddles. With hearts full of love and excitement, we can't wait to welcome a little one into our vibrant life, and we can’t wait to discover what they find fun and interesting so we can celebrate their joy!

Family Traditions

Our family cherishes its traditions, eagerly anticipating the addition of a little one to join in on the fun. Each year, we send out a family Christmas card (which we are delighted to share with you), celebrate birthdays to the max, and travel to our college alma maters to see a college football game. Our annual spring crawfish boils and summer pool party cookouts are highlights, drawing friends and family from far and wide. With the arrival of a new member, we look forward to creating new traditions while consistently celebrating life's moments, both big and small.

Home Sweet Home

Our home is a sanctuary filled with joy and love, and we cannot wait to welcome a child here! Our house has spacious living areas, vibrant artsy vibes, and child-friendly outdoor spaces including two courtyards and a pool. We are so excited for a child to join in on our annual traditions like the lively spring crawfish boil and Sunday brunches. We feel so lucky to live in an awesome neighborhood where a child can flourish, with fantastic parks, greenbelts for explorative walks, and a nearby shopping center featuring family delights like a movie theater and an ice cream shop. As we anticipate the arrival of a little one, we look forward to planting in our garden together, enjoying cozy nights at home, and watching a kiddo make lifelong friends during neighborhood playdates. Each corner of our home and community holds the promise of profound joys and cherished memories to be made for a child!

Who We Love

We feel incredibly fortunate to have such a supportive and loving group of friends and family who are eagerly anticipating our journey into parenthood. Our community is the most important part of our lives! Charles’ brother Cheston, his wife Hannah, their children Carson and Harrison, along with sister Jessica, live nearby and are excited to share beach vacations, holidays, and trips to Mississippi with a child. Charles' parents, Gayton and Elaine, have a legacy of coming from big, joyful families and are thrilled to spoil and cherish a grandchild. Similarly, Graham's parents, Joe and Cathy, are just ten minutes away and ready to be hands-on grandparents, excited to do art projects and bake together. Graham’s sister Sarah, her husband Bartow, and their daughter May are also thrilled to welcome a child into our family's rich traditions - plus, May can’t wait to have a playmate! A child will always feel surrounded by love and support with our amazing community surrounding them!


- MY FAVORITE FOOD IS... I have a lot… shrimp, all pastas, eggs, steaks, crawfish - FAVORITE COLOR... Purple - it’s a little more exciting and goes with anything. - FAVORITE SPORT TO PLAY...Tennis (I made it to the state playoffs in high school) - FAVORITE KID’S MOVIE... Aladdin. - I CHEER FOR... Ole Miss Rebels - BOOK I LOVE... Mississippi Sissy- it’s a honest tale about growing up gay in the South. - I COULD WATCH IT A MILLION TIMES... Mrs. Doubtfire - I quote it all the time


By Graham -occupation: LOBBYIST FOR AARP -hobbies: COOKING, GARDENING -loves to watch: HBO’s GIRLS -favorite holiday: CHRISTMAS -sweet tooth for: REESE’S Charles is not just my partner; he's the joy of my life. I fell for him the moment I saw his eyes light up with laughter, complemented by a smile that could brighten the dullest days. His ability to not take life too seriously makes every day with him a delightful adventure. He embodies warmth and sincerity, effortlessly connecting with anyone he meets, from long-time friends to strangers at the airport. Charles enjoys the simple pleasures in life, whether it’s re-watching his favorite childhood movies, cooking up a feast, or nurturing our garden. Professionally, as a lobbyist for AARP, his genuine warmth and sincerity shine, making him a beloved figure in the 50+ community he advocates for. I am especially excited to see him as a father, being the "fun dad" who recreates his cherished childhood memories with our future child. Charles's loving nature and active involvement in our child’s life will surely make our home the most joyful, imaginative place for our child to grow.


- MY FAVORITE FOOD IS... a sandwich of any type - especially an ice cream sandwich! - FAVORITE COLOR.. Green – it symbolizes life, prosperity, and nature, and has a soothing effect on me. - FAVORITE SPORT TO PLAY... Soccer (I grew up playing competitively until my early 30s) - FAVORITE KID’S MOVIE... All Dogs Go to Heaven - I CHEER FOR...Texas Longhorns and Liverpool Football Club - BOOK I LOVE... All the King’s Men - it’s a class political novel. - I COULD WATCH IT A MILLION TIMES... Clue


by Charles -occupation: LAWYER -hobbies: SKIING, FLY FISHING -loves to watch: ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT -favorite holiday: HALLOWEEN -sweet tooth for: DARK CHOCOLATE I am incredibly lucky to have Graham as my husband, a man whose reliability and thoughtfulness have been the cornerstone of our relationship. His dedication to making every moment count—whether it's a birthday or just an ordinary day—shows his deep commitment and love. Professionally, as a respected attorney, he extends this care to his colleagues, mentoring young associates with a mix of wisdom and kindness. His social nature brings vibrancy to our lives, and his hobbies like snow skiing and fly fishing are passions that he relishes. Graham is poised to be an amazing father. His approach to fatherhood will undoubtedly mirror the way he lives his life: full-hearted, creative, and always engaged. With his steadfast nature and capacity to love, I am excited to see him share life's lessons and adventures with our child, nurturing their curiosity and guiding them with a gentle yet assured hand.

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