JUDSON from European Union

from European Union
- Age 7
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number JUDSON-EU
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Judson was born in July 2018 and has been diagnosed with lumbar spina bifida, hydrocephalus (VP shunt installed), lower spastic paraplegia, and a hernia. His development is delayed.
Judson can sit unassisted and stand with support. He does not walk but relies on his arms to move himself around. Judson has healthy muscle tone in his upper body and uses his hands purposefully, showing emerging visual motor coordination. His play skills are currently rudimentary. Despite some feeding challenges, Judson eats pureed foods from a spoon and drinks from a cup with assistance. He wears diapers and sleeps well.
Judson is described as a calm and emotionally responsive child, laughing and smiling when receiving attention. He babbles actively and is using a few single words as well as carrying out simple requests. Judson initiates interactions with adults and children through body language, movements and vocalizations and makes good eye contact. Judson distinguishes between those familiar to him and strangers and responds appropriately to a speaker’s tone of voice.
Judson waits for a family who can provide the interventions he needs to thrive and shower him with the love, attention, and opportunities he deserves.