Stanley from European Union

from European Union
- Age 10
- Gender Male
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
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Stanley was born in August 2014 and has been diagnosed with moderate developmental delay and disturbances of behavior, taking medication to reduce hyperactivity. He wears glasses to correct his strabismus and may be allergic to bee stings. Stanley has been in state care since being a newborn, including three years in a foster family during which he did not receive any interventions. At this time Stanley lives in a group home for disabled children and youth where he has made marked and continuous developmental progress.
Update August 2022: A loving and obedient boy, Stanley has made impressive progress during his kindergarten year and will be enrolled in first grade for the 2022/23 school year about which he is very excited. Stanley no longer takes medications and is well adjusted in the group home and at school. He is eager to please and cooperates when asked to complete a task. He thrives with praise. In kindergarten, Stanley has made strides with his language skills and now speaks in longer sentences with a richer vocabulary. He recognizes colors, can count to ten and identifies many objects and activities of everyday life. He also expresses his opinions. Stanley is developing pre-writing skills and presents with a longer attention span.
Stanley continues to be active and consistently seeks contacts with others. He likes playing hide and seek, singing and dancing to traditional folk music, watching activities in the kitchen, reenacting scenes from his favorite cartoons, and having fun in the snow. The director of the group home sincerely hopes that a family will step forward for Stanley because he is a wonderful child who will reach his fullest potential in a loving home while filling it with laughter and love.
2021: Stanley is an active boy who walks, runs, climbs stairs and is able to use playground equipment. He is well-oriented in his familiar environment and easily adapts to others. Stanley is potty-trained, can feed himself, and is able to dress. He strives to carry out instructions and follow rules and likes to please.
Although he shows interest in other children, Stanley prefers contact with adults and seeks their attention and love. He speaks in short sentences and supplements his verbal communication with gestures and facial expressions. He asks and answers some questions. Despite a short attention span, Stanley can complete puzzles with large pieces as well as draw, make crafts, and build with cubes with support. He can receptively identify many objects and his own body parts.
A curious child, he attends kindergarten where his academic knowledge does not meet what is typical for his age. He works with a speech therapist, special education teacher, and psychologist
Stanley is cooperative, obedient, and always ready to play. He has fun when an adult interacts with him and enjoys exploring together. He likes singing, dancing, and listening to music as well as watching children’s television. This affectionate boy thrives with praise and cuddles and would do well in a family with older siblings.