Anita & Jeff

Hoping to Adopt (Virginia)



Age: 48

Ethnicity: Asian

Religion: Hindu


Age: 44

Ethnicity: White

Religion: Christian

Preferences for a child

Age: Newborn to 1 year of age

Gender: Either

Special Needs: Open to discussion



In our life, love is abundant—it's the one thing we are sure to give. We see the same in you, too. We believe only a heart full of love could make the brave decision – to consider adoption for your child. It’s a decision that places the love of your child first, above everything else. Your love...

Post-Adoption Relationship

Open (Open to contact, phone calls, in person visits before adoption. Sharing photos and letters after placement. Visits at neutral location after adoption, etc.). If you want a more closed adoption, we would honor that request as well.

Certification Adoption.Org Logo

Gladney Center for Adoption verified this family completed an adoption home study including: background checks, character references, official interviews, required training, home inspection, financial review, etc. and are approved for adoption.

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