YUNA from European Union

from European Union
- Age 14
- Gender Female
- Location European Union
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number YUNA-EU
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Yuna is a physically healthy child born in March 2011. She exhibits mild mental delay and significant disturbances in behavior which present through underdeveloped expressive speech, articulation disturbances, hyperactivity, disinhibited attachment disorder, poor attention and concentration, oppositional behavior, emotional outbursts, and hypomnesia. Yuna has been receiving pharmaceutical intervention to address her aggression toward others and self which has shown variable effectiveness.
Yuna is a lively and active girl whose gross motor skills are nearly on target, while her fine motor abilities are delayed. Academically she is still trying to master Kindergarten skills, and, in many ways, she functions at the level of a 5- to 6-year-old child. Yuna struggles in social relationships with peers due to poor sharing and cooperation as well as lack of interest in joint activities. In interactions with adults, Yuna has difficulty respecting authority and following rules. She forgets all social and behavioral conventions when something has attracted her attention or desire.
After multiple placements, Yuna has been in her current foster family since November 2019 where she has been making slow and arduous developmental progress. She has formed attachments to her elderly foster parents and enjoys her foster mother’s cooking. Yuna likes to play with toys, watch cartoons and listen to music.