Zackary from Idaho

from Idaho
- Age 15
- Gender Male
- Location Idaho
- Ethnicity Other
- Case Number 1840388
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Zackary is a funny boy with a caring heart who loves to get people together to play board games or creative outdoor games that he’s made up himself. Zackary really enjoys being active outside playing football, soccer, or baseball with friends. He also loves to watch sports and counts the Seattle Seahawks and the Mariners among his favorite teams. Zackary would love it if his adoptive family took him to see a game in person!
If you’re a fan of dinosaurs or anything archeological related, you’re sure to have an instant bond with Zackary over that shared interest! Other things that this well-rounded young man is fond of include drawing, video games, playing the guitar and most of all-anything Pokémon related. Zackary describes his best day as one spent playing at the beach, visiting dogs at a shelter, and then stopping off for his favorite dinner of Orange Chicken at a Chinese restaurant.
Zackary’s Permanency Team is searching diligently for a two-parent family with significant parenting experience and an in-depth understanding of childhood trauma. At this time, his team is only interested in hearing from families who have no younger children in the home. Zack is excited about the prospect of being adopted and is looking forward to a new beginning in a stable, nurturing home where he can continue to grow, heal, thrive, and reach his full potential. Zackary has a younger sister and though the plan is not for them to be adopted together, he needs a family who is committed to helping him to maintain that sibling connection. Zackary is a legal risk placement at this time. If you possess the qualities we are searching for in a Forever Family for Zack, we look forward to receiving your inquiry today!
For more information on the Idaho Wednesday's Child Program, please visit or contact Shawn White, or cell 208-488-8989 if you have specific questions.